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The Place Where We "Just Scan!"
FID's Courses & Events > FID's Membership
FID's Membership

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Price: $50.00
Availability: Available
Prod. Code: 20154

Members will benefit 50% discounts. Members will also receive two tailored scanning hours that will ultimately enhance resume, critical vitae or any other minibio. At Florida Imaging Diagnostics (FID) we believe to "Just Scan!" Our environment fosters learning by putting to practice ultrasound physics and principles when insonating (obtaining diagnostic images). This knowledge effect atmoshphere will help members focus in on skills to improve their specialty. Learing will include on-time, logs, recording of cases, peer reviews, and opportunity for CMEs at a competitive rate. What better way to teach & practice with an actual ultrasound machine, "Sonographers Teaching Sonogrphers." Please notify FID with any questiions or more details. 

Contact FID to get started with scanning!  


© 2008 Imaging Diagnostics, LLC | Administrative Office: 29431 SW 169 Avenue |

Homestead, FL 33030 | P: 305.484.5288 | 

info@floridaimagingdiagnostics.com | www.floridaimagingdiagnostics.com